Rapsöl ist ein Samenöl, das aus dem Samen einer der verschiedenen Arten von Rapspflanzen der Senffamilie hergestellt wird. Olivenöl ist , wie die Namen eindeutig andeuten, der Extrakt aus Oliven – der Frucht des Olivenbaums – und wird als Fruchtöl angesehen. Olivenöl wird normalerweise kalt gepresst, um die natürlichen Nährstoffe im Extrakt zu erhalten (und hat dadurch einige hervorragende gesundheitliche Vorteile), während Rapsöl bei hohen Temperaturen verarbeitet und raffiniert wird, wobei häufig Hexan und andere Chemikalien verwendet werden.
Canola Oil | Olive Oil | |
Made from | Seed (Rapeseed) | Fruit (Olive) |
Manufacturing | Mechanical process at high temperatures | Mostly cold pressed |
Chemicals | Hexane, involved during processing | None |
Other uses | Cooking, Bio diesel | Cooking, skin care, hair care, medicines, religious practices in some regions. |
Fat composition | 7% Saturated fat and 63% Monounsaturated fat. | 14% saturated fat and 73% monounsaturated fat. |
Calories | 120 calories per tablespoon | 120 calories per tablespoon |
Properties | Smoke point 242° | The smoke point of olive oil varies from 215° to 242° (extra virgin, having a lower smoke point than the lighter version). |
Ways used in food | Saute, shallow fry, deep fry | Extra virgin can be used as cold/raw for salad dressing or with bread; light/pure for sauteing and frying. |
Effect on Health
Olive oil helps build immunity and can fight diseases like heart disease, cancer , blood pressure and obesity . Olive oil is also used in the popular Mediterranean diet which is recognized as one of the healthiest diets in the world.
Although canola oil claims to and have many health benefits and ward off heart diseases , it has recently come under a lot of flak for being grown from genetically modified crops and undergoing a manufacturing process of high heat , mechanical pressing and solvent extraction. It further goes through a chemically involved process of bleaching and degumming. Taking this into consideration, olive oil is a healthier alternative to canola oil.
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Canola oil is primarily used for cooking due to its low saturated fat content and as an environmental friendly fuel in the form of biodiesel.
Olive oil is used for cooking and dipping on account of its high monounsaturated content and is very popular in skincare related products.
Saturated Fats

Foods high in saturated fats have been linked to Coronary heart disease. Canola Oil boasts of having extremely low amounts of saturated fat at 7% but Olive Oil had a saturated fat content of 14% which is double that of Canola Oil.
Monounsaturated Fats
Monounsaturated fats are good fats which reduces bad cholesterol in the body. Canola Oil has 63% of monounsaturated fat while Olive Oil has a higher rate of monounsaturated fat at 72 %.
Trans Fats and Cholesterol
Both Canola Oil and Olive Oil do not contain Trans fat and cholesterol. This might not be always true because the FDA allows products which have less than 0.5 grams of trans fat to be labeled as zero trans fat.
How it’s Made
Canola oil and olive oil are have very different manufacturing processes. Olive oil is considered a fruit oil as it’s made from the fruit of the olive tree. Ripe olives are crushed and pressed, generally at cold temperatures to maintain the nutritional integrity. The extraction constitutes olive oil. Oil extraction from the very first press is called extra virgin olive oil; that of the next extraction is virgin olive oil, and all subsequent presses constitute light or “pure” olive oil – the light and pure versions actually undergo more processing and refining.
Unlike olive oil, canola oil is manufactured at high temperatures using a mechanical process that may involve toxic chemicals. Canola oil is degummed, deodorized, bleached and further refined at high temperatures, which can change the omega-3 content of the oil and can significantly raise its concentrations of trans fatty acids and saturated fats .
Non-food Uses
Olive Oil is used as a skin moisturizer, exfoliator and in nail care. It is also used in hair products and beauty applications.
Canola is also used to make alternative environmental friendly fuel which can be used in place of diesel .
The word “Canola” comes from the word Canada and Ola (Oil).The Canola Plant was cultivated as a naturally bred variation of the rapeseed plant by Canadian scientists in the early 1970’s. The Olive tree and Olives are debated to be as old as 6000 years. References to Olive Oil can be found in ancient mythology and religious ceremonies. Most of the world’s Olive Oil production takes place in the Mediterranean region.

Olive oil is mostly known as a primary ingredient in salads and Italian cuisine. However, there are plenty of other healthful and delicious recipes by the North American Olive Oil Association .
CanolaInfo presents some more recipes using canola oil .
- Olive Oil – Olive Oil Times
- Olive Oil World – aboutoliveoil.org
- Canola – purdue.edu
- Canola – canolainfo.org
- Canola Oil – Natural News
- US Canola
- The Great Con-ola – Weston A. Price
- Wikipedia: Olive oil