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Nordirland gegen Republik Irland – Unterschied und Vergleich

Die Insel Irland ist in zwei separate Gerichtsbarkeiten unterteilt: die Republik Irland und Nordirland . Die Republik Irland ist eine unabhängige Nation – im Allgemeinen einfach als Irland bezeichnet -, während Nordirland Teil des Vereinigten Königreichs ist .


Vergleichstabelle Nordirland gegen Republik Irland
Nordirland Irische Republik
Einführung (aus Wikipedia) Northern Ireland (Ulster Scots: Norlin Airlann or Norlin Airlan) is a part of the United Kingdom in the northeast of the island of Ireland. It is variously described as a country, province, or region of the UK. Ireland), described as the Republic of Ireland (Irish: Poblacht na hÉireann), is a sovereign state in Europe occupying about five-sixths of the island of Ireland.
Currency Pound sterling (GBP) Euro (€) (EUR)
Government Consociational devolved government within a constitutional monarchy Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
Time zone GMT (UTC+0) WET (UTC+0)
Languages English, Irish, Ulster Scots English, Irish
Calling code +44 +353
Legislature Northern Ireland Assembly Oireachtas
Drives on the left left
Internet TLD .uk, .ie, .eu .ie
Demonym Northern Irish, Irish, British Irish
Date format dd/mm/yyyy (AD) dd/mm/yyyy
Flag Union Flag Tricolour
a. Northern Ireland has no official language. The use of English has been established through precedent. Irish and Ulster Scots are officially recognised minority languages ^ Article 4 of the Constitution of Ireland declares that the name of the state is Ireland; Section 2 of the Republic of Ireland Act 1948 declares that Republic of Ireland is “the description of the State”.
b. ^ .uk is assigned to the United Kingdom of which Northern Ireland is a part, .ie is assigned to Ireland of which Northern Ireland is a part, and .eu is assigned to the European Union of which Northern Ireland is a part. ISO 3166-1 is GB, but .gb is u ^ The .eu domain is also used, as it is shared with other European Union member states.

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland was established as a political entity in 1921 from six counties in the northern Province of Ulster who wished to retain their political unity with Great Britain, which is a neighboring island comprising England, Scotland and Wales. Northern Ireland and the three regions of Great Britain together with some offshore islands constitute the country of United Kingdom. The regional capital of Northern Ireland is in Belfast. Its Head of State is the British monarch (currently Queen Elizabeth), although executive authority is vested in the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. There is also a devolved administration headed by the joint office of the First and Deputy First Ministers. There are approximately 2 million people living in Northern Ireland.

Republic of Ireland

The Republic of Ireland was created in 1948 when the Irish Free State (also known as Southern Ireland) became fully independent and severed all political ties with the United Kingdom. The capital city of the Republic of Ireland is Dublin. The Head of State is the President of Ireland, and executive authority is vested in the Prime Minister (Taoiseach) of Ireland. There are approximately 4.5 million people living in the Republic.


  • wikipedia:Northern Ireland
  • wikipedia:Republic of Ireland

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