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Comparison IndexGWTJSF
IntroductionGWT is a development toolkit for developing web application.JSF (Java Server Faces) is a Java specification for developing component based user interface for web apps.
Technical DocumentationYou can get technical documentation of GWT on can get technical documentation of JSF on
Developed ByGWT is developed by Google.JSF is developed by Amy Flower’s team.
Initial ReleaseGWT is initially released in May 16, 2006.JSF is initially released in June, 2001.
LicenseGWT is licensed under Apache License 2.0.JSF is licensed under Oracle.
Implementation LanguageGWT is build on Java Programming Language.JSF is build on Java.
Template LanguageGWT has UIBinder as template languageAngularJS has HTML/template as template language.
UsabilityGWT has more users.JSF has limited user.
WYSIWYG-EditorGWT has this editor.JSF doesn’t have this editor.
FrameworkGWT has MVC Restlet framework.JSF has Primefaces, Bootsfaces, ICEFaces, Omnifaces, Richfaces, ADF, AngularFaces as framework.
Design PatternGWT has Model View Presenter Activities and Places.JSF has MVC (Model View Controller) as design pattern.
Code GenerationGWT has code generation.JSF does not have code generation.
Dynamic TypingGWT does not have dynamic typing.JSF does not have dynamic typing.
Programming ParadigmGWT has Object Oriented programming paradigm.JSF also have Object Oriented programming paradigm.
Client Server Code reuseGWT has Model View Controller.JSF has MVC.
Cloud Platform SupportGWT support via Google App Engine.AngularJS support via Oracle Public Cloud.
Request Per SecondGWT can perform 5 requests per second.JSF can perform very fast request per second.
Client SynchronizationGWT has client synchronization.JSF have client synchronization.

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