DDS vs DMD – Unterschied und Vergleich

DDS steht für Doctor of Dental Surgery und DMD steht für Dentariae Medicinae Doctorae , lateinisch für Doctor of Dental Medicine . Es gibt keinen Unterschied zwischen den beiden Graden.


DDS versus DMD Vergleichstabelle
Steht für Doktor der Zahnchirurgie Doktor der Zahnmedizin (Latin Dentariae Medicinae Doctorae)
Jahre Zahnschule Vier Vier
Lehrplan Set von American Dental Association Set von American Dental Association
Nationale schriftliche Prüfung vor dem Üben erlaubt Ja Ja
State licensing requirements Yes Yes
Continuing Education Requirements Yes Yes


DDS is the “original” name for the degree and in 1867 Harvard University was the first school to introduce the DMD degree. Harvard names its degrees in Latin. The Latin translation for Doctor of Dental Surgery is Chirurgae Dentium Doctoris , which administrators at Harvard believed would be confusing. So they chose Dentariae Medicinae Doctorae (DMD) instead, which translates to Doctor of Dental Medicine. Over the last 150-odd years, some other schools followed in Harvard’s footsteps.

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Popularity of the degrees

There are around 60 schools in the United States that offer degrees in dentistry . Of these, about 60% offer the DDS degree while 40% name their degree DMD. Other than the name, there is no difference in the academic training required to become a dentist from any of these schools. All dental schools in the U.S. are required to follow the curriculum set by the American Dental Association. All dentists, whether DMD or DDS, must meet the same national and regional certification standards in order to practice.

Qualifications of a Dentist

After 3 or more years of undergraduate education, students must attend dental school for 4 years in order to graduate and become a general dentist. Dental specialists, such as orthodontists, periodontists, and oral and maxillofacial surgeons require additional post-graduate training. Before they are allowed to practice, all dentists are required to also pass a national written exam and a state or regional clinical licensing exam.

All dentists must meet continuing education requirements throughout their careers in order to retain their license to practice dentistry. This allows them to stay abreast of the latest scientific thinking and developments in clinical guidelines.


  • Statement by the American Dental Association

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